This week hasn't really as I hoped it to be. I've had to go out of the house a lot, to send parcels for courier and also to buy household necessities. These took quite some of the time that I could've used for studying. But the most disappointing thing about this week is how I've been watching YouTube or Facebook videos before I start doing work, and you know how these videos can be addictive. It's one after the other, and then you realise that you've already been too long on social media/internet.
I had coursework to do, of course, for Financial Econometrics. I did that but I guess it's because I'm not used to reporting time series results, it took me too much time to finish it. I began doing it on Wednesday (the day after lectures) and finished on Friday night. Huh... really took a long time on it.
On Saturday (today), I decided to do CS50 Week 2. I definitely needed the refreshing of my knowledge since I had the wrong idea of what arrays are on C. But nevertheless, things seem to be more clear to me and it does show how "better" I became at writing codes. I was able to write down the codes without having to search for tips on StackExchange or the likes of that. Alhamdulillah.
To my surprise too, I was able to complete a problem that I've never done before, which was "Readability" (I'm sure I didn't do this one during the 2018 session), though not really something I should celebrate since I didn't get full marks for this (I don't know what's wrong with that one particular thing, ugh). But one thing that I'm a bit skeptical about myself is that my level of attention and focus is a lot more intense when doing CS50 compared to when I'm doing my Master's stuff. I guess it's because when I was doing CS50, I have that urge to finish it ASAP so that "I'd have more time for my Master's" added with the fact that I've used up a lot of time just for Financial Econometrics the days beforehand.
Notes that I wrote down for "Readability"
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