Friday, 2 October 2020

Using SAMSUNG Notes for Drawing 2

After drawing a few images using SAMSUNG Notes on my tablet as recorded in the previous post, I decided to explore more of the functions available on the drawing mode. Here are some of the results:

Drawing 1: I wanted to try "shading" techniques with this drawing, except that I used the marker mode rather than the pencil mode. By adjusting the size of the marker tip, the results turned out great. The darker ones had lines drawn in four or directions, while the lighter ones have lesser lines. But for CĂ©leste's armour, I used the mixer/blender pencil, and it gives out the smooth surface as if I smudged a surface that I coloured using pencils.

Drawing 2: I coloured the people using "pencil colours", and I coloured on certain areas longer to make the shadows for darker areas. Then, I outlined them using marker pen. But for the backgrounds, I used crayon mode. The cool thing about the crayon is that the size can get really big, so it makes colouring the backgrounds much easier.

Drawing 3: Actually, this one is quite straightforward. I coloured the entire drawing canvas with black marker, and then using the eraser, I drew this picture. Pretty straightforward, right?

Drawing 4: I coloured the people using marker, but I didn't colour all the surfaces in one go. The lighter areas were left uncoloured, but I used the mixer/blender to blend the colours. As for the backgrounds, the top background was coloured using crayon, and then smoothed using the mixer/blender while the background on the lower part was coloured using the paintbrush mode.

There you have it, my explorations and experimentations. What kind of drawings will I do next?

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