Saturday, 24 October 2020

Restarting my CS50 online course from SCRATCH (pun intended)

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with a group of friends from Taylor's College. They were mostly my friends on the IBDP course. One of them is currently working in a Computer Science-related job and she also told us that she used to learn some coding when she was in university. It made me feel a bit inferior to her (well, I've always felt inferior to her ever since that one teacher in IB compared me to her, and she said something along the line that this other person was better than me because of one thing that I didn't have) since I did try this one online CS course, but I only finished it halfway and just deserted it, until recently.

Flash forward to Oct 2020, it has been more than a year since I last did the course. As I was scrolling around the new course structure, I found out that I couldn't just send my old Problem Sets especially Problem Set 0 because the version that I did for the course year 2018 used an sb2 file, but the current file uses sb3 instead. Furthermore, the course outline also looks different from what I remember it to be.

At that point, I felt that I should just re-do everything as if I've never done it before.

Today, I watched the introductory lecture and did Problem Set 0. I have to admit, Alhamdulillah, that I took a shorter time to complete it despite coming up with a new idea and not just replicating the old stuff that I did back in 2018. Not that I was very familiar with SCRATCH by MIT, but maybe because I knew what is already expected of me and how I should approach a problem.

Problem Set 0, Complete! :D

That's it for now! Pray for me so that I do finish this course! Ganbarimasu!

Friday, 2 October 2020

Using SAMSUNG Notes for Drawing 2

After drawing a few images using SAMSUNG Notes on my tablet as recorded in the previous post, I decided to explore more of the functions available on the drawing mode. Here are some of the results:

Drawing 1: I wanted to try "shading" techniques with this drawing, except that I used the marker mode rather than the pencil mode. By adjusting the size of the marker tip, the results turned out great. The darker ones had lines drawn in four or directions, while the lighter ones have lesser lines. But for CĂ©leste's armour, I used the mixer/blender pencil, and it gives out the smooth surface as if I smudged a surface that I coloured using pencils.

Drawing 2: I coloured the people using "pencil colours", and I coloured on certain areas longer to make the shadows for darker areas. Then, I outlined them using marker pen. But for the backgrounds, I used crayon mode. The cool thing about the crayon is that the size can get really big, so it makes colouring the backgrounds much easier.

Drawing 3: Actually, this one is quite straightforward. I coloured the entire drawing canvas with black marker, and then using the eraser, I drew this picture. Pretty straightforward, right?

Drawing 4: I coloured the people using marker, but I didn't colour all the surfaces in one go. The lighter areas were left uncoloured, but I used the mixer/blender to blend the colours. As for the backgrounds, the top background was coloured using crayon, and then smoothed using the mixer/blender while the background on the lower part was coloured using the paintbrush mode.

There you have it, my explorations and experimentations. What kind of drawings will I do next?